Salatul Fathi in Arabic with Urdu translation

Salatul Fathi : English Translation
O God bless our Master Muhammad Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam who opened what had been closed, and who is the Seal of what had gone before, he who makes the Truth Victorious by the Truth, the guide to thy straight path, and bless his household as is the due of his immense position and grandeur.
The Benifits of Salatul Fathi ( Sallutations upon the Messenger pbuh)
Sh Ahmed Tijani r.a said :
“Send many prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) with Salat al-Fatih because in it is the good of this world and the Hereafter, and by Salat al-Fatih one obtains all his desires and reaches all his wishes."
On the reward of Salat al-Fatih, al-Khalifa Sidi Ali Harazem reports (in Kitab Jawahir al-Ma'ani)
Sheikh Ahmed Tijani r.a said:
"I have asked the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) on the reward of Salat al-Fatih to which he (peace and blessing be upon him) responded, "it is worth six thousand (6000) recitation of the Holy Quran".
The venerated Tijani Sheikh, Sidi Abul Fadl al-Haj Omar ibn Said al-Futi Tall (d. 1279/1864) informs in the book entitled the "Rimah al Hizb al Raheem ala Nuhur al Hizb al Rajeem"
Sh Ahmed Tijani said :
"As for Salat al-Fatih when I asked the Prophet about it, he informed me first of all, that it is worth six hundred thousand invocation of blessing (600,000). I also asked him, ‘For each invocation of blessing does one bird fly up toward heaven-that being the bird which has seventy thousand wings, as described in the Hadith, or do six hundred thousand (600,000) birds of that kind fly up each time, and is the reward of their glorification assigned to the invoker of blessing upon the Prophet?’ The Prophet replied: "Six hundred thousand birds of that kind fly up each time."
As for the number of each bird’s tongues, the Sh Ahmed Tijani r.a said,
"The total number of its tongues is 1,680,000,700,000,000,000,000.000. Each tongue glorifies Allah in seventy thousand languages in a split second, and all of is reward is assigned each time to the invoker of blessing upon the Prophet. This applies to every prayer on the Prophet than Salat al-Fatih. As for the latter, it gives rise, each time, to six hundred thousand (600,000) birds of the kind described, as previously mentioned." Sidna Sheikh then went on to say, "When I asked the Prophet about the authenticity of the Hadith, 'The invocation of showering a prayer upon him (salat 'ala Sidna Mohammad) one time, is worth the reward of four hundred (400) military campaigns (ghazwa) and every campaign is worth four hundred (400) pilgrimages ('hajja).' The Prophet replied: "It is indeed authentic".
"I then asked the Prophet about the number of these campaigns: ‘Are four hundred (400) campaigns equivalent to a single offering of Salat al-Fatih, or are four hundred (400) campaigns equivalent to each of the six hundred thousand (600,000) invocations of blessing?’ The Prophet answered: Salat al-Fatih is worth six hundred thousand (600,000) invocations of showering a prayer upon him one, and each of the six hundred thousand (600,000) invocations of blessing is worth four hundred campaigns"
" Then he went on to say: If someone invokes it (Salat al-Fatih); one time, he will receive the reward he would receive if he offered every invocation of salat upon the Prophet ever offered in the universe, by all the jinn, human beings and angels, six hundred thousand times (600,000), from the beginning of time until the moment when he utters its invocation. In other words, it is as if he has offered six hundred thousand times (600,000) all the invocations ever invoked by all the invokers of salat, angels, jinn and human beings, every one of those invocations being worth a spouse among the houries (al-'hur al-'in), and ten good deeds ('hasanat), and the erasure of ten bad deeds (sayyiat), and promotion by ten degrees (darajat). Allah and his angels will also bless him ten times for every invocation of blessing. Sidna Sheikh then said: Once you have contemplated this with your heart, you will know that no act of worship is equal to a single offering of the salat upon the Prophet, so how about someone who offers it many times?" What gracious favor he enjoys in the presence of Allah, and this is received each time"
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